Disaster Management Project
In Novem犀利士
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ber 2020, CELP took part in a project犀利士
with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to map and analyse legal preparedness for international and regional disaster and pandemic response in South Asia. This research is an outcome of a joint workshop held in Kathmandu in partnership with SAARC and South Asian RCRC National Societies and Governments in 2019. The purpose of the project was to conduct a baseline mapping of all SAARC Member States to analyse the existing national laws and policies in light of the provisions of the SARRND as well as International Disaster Response Law Checklist. It was also intended to examine and make recommendations on regional and international assistance for cross border public health emergencies, focusing on humanitarian channels in South Asia during the COVID 19 response.
Dr. Kokila Konasinghe the Director of Centre for Environmental Law and Policy is leading on the Sri Lanka component of the research. Ms. Dilushi Senavirathna, a member of the Research Team of CELP was the Research Assistant of the project. The research is being conducted in three phases and the first two stages of the research were conducted to map the legal frameworks relevant to regional and international assistance to disasters in Sri Lanka and to understand how the legal framework has been applied in practice and to provide recommendations to strengthen regional and i犀利士
nternational cooperation for disaster and emergency response.