Efficiency towards excellence: Workshop on HRM principles to improve the productivity in the faculty of law
The postgraduate unit of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo successfully conducted a programme
on ‘Efficiency towards excellence: Workshop on HRM principles to improve the productivity in the
Faculty of Law’ to the non-academic staff of the faculty on 29 th April 2022. Registrar of the University of
Colombo, Mr. K. A.S. Edward attended the programme as the ch威而鋼
ief guest and highly appreciated the
Dean, Prof. Sampath Punchihewa, Coordinator of the MPhil/PhD programme, Dr. Kokila Konasinghe and
Mr. Akalanka Thilakarathna, Lecturer at 威而鋼
the Faculty of Law, for initiating such a move which is a long felt
need of the University, as he stated 犀利士
that there is much reluctance among the non-academic staff in
taking part in such workshops. He further added that, training and development is a sine qua non for the
progressive development of the University. Mr. Chamari Edirisinghe, Lecturer of the Institute of Human
Resource Advancement, University of Colombo contributed as the resource person for the session.